Web Security

MAC: Message Authentication Code

October 15th, 2024 | By Ejiro Thankgod | 8 min read

In cybersecurity, ensuring the integrity and authenticity of messages is paramount. One of the critical tools used to achieve this is the Message Authentication Code (MAC). This article delves into the concept of MAC, its types, how it works, and its applications in modern digital communication.

What is a Message Authentication Code (MAC)?

A Message Authentication Code (MAC) is a short piece of information used to authenticate a message and ensure its integrity. Essentially, it provides a way to check that a message has not been altered during transmission and verifies the sender's identity. A MAC is generated using a secret key and a cryptographic algorithm, producing a fixed-size output, commonly known as a tag or checksum.

Importance of MAC in Digital Communication

  1. Data Integrity: MACs ensure that the data received is exactly what was sent, with no alterations or corruption during transit. Any modification in the message would result in a different MAC, alerting the recipient to the potential tampering.

  2. Authentication: By using a secret key known only to the sender and the receiver, MACs authenticate the source of the message, ensuring it comes from a trusted sender.

  3. Security: In secure communication protocols, MACs play a crucial role in maintaining confidentiality and preventing unauthorized access to data.

The Core Principles of MACs

At its heart, a MAC operates on a foundation of shared secrecy and cryptographic transformations. Here's a breakdown of the core principles:

  • Shared Secret Key: The cornerstone of MAC security is a secret key, known only to the sender and receiver. This key serves as a cryptographic password used in the MAC generation process. The strength of the key directly impacts the overall security of the system.

  • Cryptographic Hash Function: A MAC leverages a cryptographic hash function, a one-way mathematical operation that transforms an arbitrary message into a fixed-size string of bits, known as a hash digest. This digest acts as a fingerprint of the message, capturing its essence in a condensed form. Hash functions possess crucial properties like collision resistance (meaning it's computationally infeasible to find two different messages with the same hash) and avalanche effect (a minor change in the message drastically alters the hash digest).

How Does MAC Work?

The process of generating and verifying a MAC involves several steps:

  • Message Preparation: The sender prepares the message that needs to be transmitted.

  • Key Generation: A secret key, known only to the sender and the receiver, is used. This key must be securely shared between the parties beforehand.

  • MAC Generation: The sender uses a MAC algorithm (such as HMAC, CMAC, etc.) to combine the message with the secret key, generating a unique MAC value.

  • Transmission: The original message and the MAC are sent to the receiver.

  • Verification: Upon receiving the message and the MAC, the receiver uses the same secret key and MAC algorithm to generate a new MAC for the received message. The receiver then compares the newly generated MAC with the received MAC. If they match, the message is authenticated and considered intact.

Types of MAC Algorithms

There are several types of MAC algorithms, each with its specific use cases and security properties:

  1. HMAC (Hash-based Message Authentication Code):

    • Description: HMAC uses a cryptographic hash function (e.g., SHA-256) along with a secret key to generate a MAC.

    • Advantages: HMAC is widely used due to its simplicity, efficiency, and resistance to certain types of attacks, such as length-extension attacks.

    • Applications: HMAC is used in various Internet protocols, including TLS (Transport Layer Security) and IPsec (Internet Protocol Security).

  2. CMAC (Cipher-based Message Authentication Code):

    • Description: CMAC uses a block cipher (e.g., AES) with a secret key to generate a MAC.

    • Advantages: CMAC provides a high level of security and is suitable for environments where a block cipher is already in use.

    • Applications: CMAC is used in network security protocols and secure messaging systems.

  3. GMAC (Galois/Counter Mode MAC):

    • Description: GMAC is a variant of the GCM (Galois/Counter Mode) block cipher mode, optimized for generating MACs.

    • Advantages: GMAC provides both authentication and encryption, making it efficient for secure communication.

    • Applications: GMAC is used in secure communication protocols, such as TLS and SSH (Secure Shell).

  4. PMAC (Parallelizable Message Authentication Code):

    • Description: PMAC is designed to take advantage of parallel processing, allowing faster MAC generation.

    • Advantages: PMAC is efficient in environments with parallel processing capabilities.

    • Applications: PMAC is used in high-performance computing and network security applications.

Advanced Applications of MACs

Beyond their fundamental role in securing communication channels, MACs have found applications in various advanced security scenarios:

  • Digital Signatures: MACs can be used as building blocks for digital signatures. By combining a message with a private key using a MAC algorithm, a digital signature can be created. This signature can then be verified using the corresponding public key, ensuring the authenticity and integrity of the signed message.

  • Data Integrity Verification: MACs play a crucial role in data integrity verification. They can be used to ensure that stored data on a disk or transmitted data packets haven't been modified without authorization. This is critical for maintaining data consistency and preventing security breaches.

  • Message Replay Protection: MACs can offer a degree of protection against message replay attacks. Since a valid MAC value is tied to a specific message and secret key, an attacker cannot simply capture and replay a message with the same MAC as it won't match the independently generated MAC at the receiver's end. However, it's important to note that additional mechanisms like sequence numbers might be necessary for robust replay protection.

Challenges and Considerations

While MACs are essential for secure communication, there are challenges and considerations to keep in mind:

  1. Key Management: Securely sharing and storing the secret key is crucial. If the key is compromised, the security of the MAC is also compromised.

  2. Algorithm Selection: Choosing the right MAC algorithm depends on the specific use case and security requirements. For instance, HMAC is suitable for most general purposes, while CMAC may be preferred in environments using block ciphers.

  3. Performance: The performance of MAC algorithms can vary. In high-performance environments, algorithms like PMAC, which leverage parallel processing, may be more suitable.

  4. Security: Ensuring the cryptographic strength of the MAC algorithm is vital. Using weak or outdated algorithms can expose the system to attacks.


Message Authentication Codes (MACs) are fundamental to ensuring data integrity and authenticity in digital communication. By providing a secure way to verify that messages have not been altered and that they originate from a trusted source, MACs play a crucial role in maintaining the security of modern communication systems.

Understanding the different types of MAC algorithms and their applications helps choose the right solution for specific security needs.


The leader in client-side Web security. With Jscrambler, JavaScript applications become self-defensive and capable of detecting and blocking client-side attacks like Magecart.

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