Getting Started

Jscrambler Docs

Find documentation about all Jscrambler features and the technology behind them to help you quickly get started and troubleshoot any eventual issues.

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Jscrambler 101 - Collaborative Workspace

The Collaborative Workspace is a feature released with Code Integrity version 8.4. This feature allows multiple users to work on the same app seamlessly.

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Jscrambler 101 - Anti-Debugging

We will explore Anti-Debugging, a new Jscrambler feature released in version 8.3. The Anti-Debugging feature protects your application by making it harder for attackers to debug it.

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Jscrambler 101 - Anti-Tampering

Explore the Anti-Tampering feature released in Jscrambler version 8.1 to protect your application against tampering attacks.

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Jscrambler 101 - SIEM Integration

Explore SIEM Integration, a Jscrambler feature to forward and aggregate the valuable security Information Jscrambler gives you into an SIEM (e.g., Splunk).

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Jscrambler 101 - Memory Protection

The Memory Protection feature increases the security of sensitive data in your apps. Enhance the protection of the client-side of your apps.

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