Web Security

We’re Now AppSec Official Supporters

March 11th, 2016 | By Pedro Fortuna | 1 min read

If you work in AppSec, you already know about the paramount importance of the work being developed by the OWASP. Through the years we have benefited in countless ways, through education, tools, and projects or simply by having the opportunity of working or interacting with some of the most brilliant and like-minded people working in AppSec.

In the last few years, I’ve attended a few OWASP events and even gave a talk in one of them. I’ve certainly obtained more than what I gave. Jscrambler has benefited a lot from OWASP. So this year we decided to become a corporate sponsor of OWASP and support the great work that is being done by this community.

Then there’s the wider picture. By supporting OWASP we also aim to increase the overall awareness on security-related subjects and in particular on AppSec, sometimes regarded as a lesser child in the security space. At Jscrambler we are certain that JavaScript already is and will continue to be the main language for the present and future of applications. We cannot stress enough the importance of tackling the security challenges that JavaScript-based applications have.

OWASP AppSec Europe

We are also glad to announce that we will be present at the OWASP AppSec Europe 2016.

The annual conference will take place in Rome, Italy, starting on June 27th and ending on the 1st of July 2016. As an official sponsor, we will have a few of our guys there and we invite you to visit our booth. We have new stuff that we haven’t released yet that we are demo’ing there that we believe you’ll find pretty neat.


The leader in client-side Web security. With Jscrambler, JavaScript applications become self-defensive and capable of detecting and blocking client-side attacks like Magecart.

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