Web Development

Vuex vs Global Store(Vue.Observable)

January 11th, 2023 | By Jscrambler | 3 min read

As a Vue developer, you've probably heard the terms Vuex and Global StoreVue.observable.

Both are used to control the state of your application, but one is rather lengthy and challenging for a newbie to grasp.

This blog post is your guide to achieving a simple solution to manage your store application. You will learn about the following four topics:

  • What Vuex and Vue.observable are.

  • Their differences.

  • Vuex and Global StoreVue.observable: what is the ideal for managing your store application?

  • Example of Vue.observable and Vuex

Introduction to Vuex and Vue.observable

Vuex definition

Vuex is a state management pattern and library that serves as a centralized store for all our components in an application. Its rules ensure that the state can only be mutated predictably.

Vue.observable definition

Vue.observable is a method we use to control the state of our applications; it creates reactive data outside of our vue component, making it possible for us to have a single state that we can share directly between multiple components.

Comparison between Vuex and Vue.observable

Vuex and Vue.observable are suitable for your projects, but performance and simplicity matter when working with any tool.

Vuex: Pros and cons

Pros of Vuex

Cons of Vuex

It has a development tool and typescript support

It is too verbose for developers building small applications.

Best for large-scale applications

Good community support and resources

It has getters, mutations, and actions

Vue.observable: Pros and cons

Pros of Vue.observable

Cons of Vue.observable

It is easy to get started with

You don’t need mutations and actions.

No setup or installation is required

Use for managing small to medium applications

No extra libraries are needed in Vue.observable

Managing Store in Vuex and Vue.observable

Managing a store in our application can be straightforward. Let’s look at a simple example below of what managing a store with Vuex and Vue.observable looks like.

In this example, we will look at a simple store that increases the quantity of a product item.


// store.js
import Vue from "vue";
const state = Vue.observable({
  productQuantity: 0,
export const productItemIncrement = () =>
export const productItemDecrement = () =>
export default state;


import Vue from 'vue'
import Vuex from 'vuex'
// defining store
const store = new Vuex.Store({
    state: {
        productIncrement: 0
    mutations: {
        itemQuantity (state) {
// using store

Why you should use Vue.observable

This is where many programmers get confused, and I frequently see inquiries like, "Why should I use Vue Observable if I can use Vuex to manage my applications?"

Here is my response: It is advised to use Vue.observable If you’re tired of passing data around with props or events.

Using getters and mutations within your store can be too lengthy and complex to manage your small to medium application state with Vuex.

Alternative to Vuex

One of the Vue core team members, Eduardo, has created a new state management library called Pinia; it is currently the official state management library for Vue.

Pinia is very simple and easy to start, with many good features such as Hot module replacement, dev tool support, typescript or Js autocomplete features, and server-side rendering support.

Because Pinia is so lightweight, you can easily incorporate it into your application without worrying that it will affect its performance.


When managing your state application, finding the right solution is necessary, as it will make the development process more manageable.

In this article, we have learned what Vuex and Vue.observable are, their pros and cons, a store comparison, and which one to use in managing our store.

Hopefully, this article will help you choose the right solution for your store.


The leader in client-side Web security. With Jscrambler, JavaScript applications become self-defensive and capable of detecting and blocking client-side attacks like Magecart.

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