JavaScript Obfuscation Checklist

View the JavaScript Obfuscation data sheet now

Understand the principles and techniques behind JavaScript obfuscation

Three different metrics

Learn how to measure the potency, resilience, and cost of JavaScript obfuscation products.

JavaScript Obfuscation verifications

20 important verifications to evaluate JavaScript obfuscation tools.

Runtime Protection verifications

Give anti-debugging and anti-tampering capabilities to your code.

Section Divider

Jscrambler's solution for JavaScript protection has been tested in over 1 million app builds worldwide.

97% of web apps use JavaScript, creating challenges and opportunities for JavaScript obfuscation tools and solutions.

Try out Code Integrity for free to make your JavaScript code resilient.

Useful Links

Secure Your JavaScript

See Code Integrity in action

Jscrambler is compatible with all Browsers, JavaScript, Mobile and Hybrid Frameworks, and Libraries.

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Use case

Protect your code

Safeguard your JavaScript code. We provide source code protection for JavaScript, Hybrid, and Mobile apps.

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