Protection Against Magecart During the Holidays

View the Magecart Mitigation data sheet

Safeguard Your Website and Customers from Magecart Attacks

1. Technical Security Tests

5 actions to test security products against web skimmers

2. Technical Requirements

7 features to consider when sourcing Magecart mitigation products

3. Frequently Asked Questions

Complete explanation to test a Magecart Mitigation solution

It takes about 22 days to identify and contain a Magecart attack.

Each of these 22 days increases the effects of Magecart attacks, including data breaches, financial losses, reputational damages, compliance vulnerabilities, customer trust losses, and legal obligations. But if it takes about 22 days to identify and contain a Magecart attack, it only takes about 7 days to receive your website inventory with threat insights.

Jscrambler helps companies to mitigate Magecart attacks

Secure your E-commerce business with Jscrambler and safeguard against Magecart threats. Act fast to strengthen your website's defenses.

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Protect the online checkout path this Holiday Season.

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