
Jscrambler In The News

January 9th, 2018 | By Jscrambler | 4 min read

Every new year, we cherish the most important happenings in previous months, including Jscrambler in the news archive.

Jscrambler was featured in several media outlets in the past few months, thanks to the significant contribution of Pedro Fortuna, Co-Founder and CTO of Jscrambler, and we thought it was a good idea to spread the news to our lovely community.

Check the latest top stories referring to Jscrambler:

1. Banking Technology

Banking Technology is the definitive source of news and analysis of the global fintech sector, being at the forefront of print and online publishing for the international community of bankers, financial services professionals, vendors, consultants, analysts, and other industry participants.

In "Using the Web to Access Online banking? Who is Protecting the Browser Side?", Pedro Fortuna suggests what organizations in the Banking and finance sector should do next to protect their users, reputation, and business, apart from server-side measures.

"To date, there hasn’t been a way to understand if online users are being compromised or to be sure precisely what they are seeing whilst visiting and interacting with a web page. We know that endpoint security and anti-viruses fail and online users can be infected even with all the precautions that they may take. Server-side security is now very mature and excellent progress has been made in that particular field."

Full article published on December 1, 2017.

2. HuffPost

HuffPost UK, formerly The Huffington Post UK, is the destination for U.K. news, blogs, and original content offering coverage of British politics, entertainment, style, world news, technology, and comedy.

Pedro Fortuna and Rui Ribeiro, Founders of Jscrambler, were interviewed by Steve Mariotti from HuffPost and shared their vision about the state of application security and the company they built.

"Web technologies, and JavaScript in particular, were developed 20 years ago and were meant to do simple operations. But today’s JavaScript apps are much more complex. It’s not enough to find security vulnerabilities and fix them; you must also make sure that your application is as resilient as it can be against user-experience tampering, malware injection, data leakage, MiTB, intellectual property, and code theft."

Full article published on December 15, 2017.

3. Infosecurity Magazine

Infosecurity Magazine has 10+ years of experience providing knowledge and insight into the information security industry. Its editorial content provides compelling features both online and in print that focus on hot topics and trends, in-depth news analysis, and opinion columns from industry experts.

In the article "Staying Safe While Accessing Online Banking", Pedro Fortuna addresses the attack vectors that can be responsible for an attack on an online banking user and the implications this could have for the bank in terms of reputation and revenue.

"How do you know if you are being compromised when accessing your bank online? Are you confident that the content you are seeing and interacting with is real and secure? Up until now, it has been difficult to tell. Advances in security techniques have proved to be successful in protecting the server side from cyber thieves but now they are increasingly attacking end users on the client side of applications."

Full article published on December 15, 2017.

4. Information Age

Information Age magazine is dedicated to executives involved in the application of technology for strategic, competitive advantage, and improved efficiency.

Their editorial objective is to help readers become more confident and successful in their use of technology, in their choice of suppliers, and their management of people and partners.

In "As streaming services wave goodbye to Flash, what are the security challenges for HTML5?", Pedro Fortuna exposes the dangers that come with the use of HTML5 as Flash is being deprecated from the Broadcasting sector and how companies can address these issues.

"JavaScript can have a wide variety of uses. Amongst all sectors, one in particular is emerging where JavaScript is becoming increasingly more relevant – Broadcast and Media, specifically within television networks and video streaming services."

Full article published on December 29, 2017.

Final Thoughts

It's been an unbelievable journey. Hope to count on all our readers in 2018 and keep justifying your preference! And don't forget to:

Protect your App and Prosper!


The leader in client-side Web security. With Jscrambler, JavaScript applications become self-defensive and capable of detecting and blocking client-side attacks like Magecart.

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