
Jscrambler at RSAC: embracing new challenges

May 16th, 2023 | By Jscrambler | 4 min read

Jscrambler at RSAC

For another year, RSAC 2023 brought together thousands of cybersecurity professionals for four days of expert perspectives, groundbreaking innovation, and best practices.

For some of our team members, this was their first year attending RSA. There’s always that first impression of being overwhelmed when witnessing the size of the convention. It is an event that stands out in magnitude and variety.

Preparation is crucial, as we witnessed last-minute setups of the booths and presentations related to the latest tech in security, whether it was JavaScript Security, Endpoint Security, chatGPT, pixels, and many more.

Jscrambler at RSAC 2023

On the first day, right as the event kicked off, people began to flood the venue. There were people from all over the world. The sole topic of it all was cybersecurity, and it was embraced from the get-go. Vendors and visitors got acquainted with the booths’ locations and which ones drew the most attention.

Things kicked off in the following days. At Jscrambler’s booth, visitors were drawn by the words "JavaScript Security" and were amazed by the kind of product we offer and what our solutions can do. While talking to these attendees and answering their questions, we noticed that a big concern was PCI DSS v4.0 and compliance with this new version of the norm.

We have a series of pieces discussing this topic, which remains the hottest one in cybersecurity for 2023. Our team had the opportunity to explain the aspects of this new version, which will be mandatory as of March next year, and how Jscrambler can help in achieving compliance.

Another really interesting topic discussed in our booth was cloud security and what new implementations were being made to these platforms to keep them secure in a fast and timely manner.

But the hot topic that filled most conversations at RSAC 2023 and caught everybody’s attention was the role of ChatGPT in cybersecurity. It was noticeable that this is an interesting and helpful technology. But it’s also one that will not succeed in regard to security, as the industry is prepared for its challenges.

The conversation around Pixels was another important topic being discussed at RSAC 2023 since it has been something that has come up recently as a component that can be accessed by third parties with the intent of extracting sensitive information from e-commerce websites, for example. As we are aware of this, we were able to let attendees know that Jscrambler’s technology can help them protect from all the different threats that Pixels can bring to a website or app. It was really interesting to explore people's concerns and figure out how we could help them.

Another incredible year at RSAC, full of swag and insights to share. Jscrambler highly recommends this four-day conference. An event that, for 31 years, has been a driving force behind the world’s cybersecurity agenda.

Jscrambler is the recipient of two Global InfoSec Awards

pedro fortuna e michael grant with the two cyber defense magazine awards at RSAC 2023

During RSAC, Jscrambler was awarded two Cyber Defense Magazine awards, the industry’s leading electronic information security magazine, for Most Comprehensive for Third-Party Cyber Risk and for Editor’s Choice for Web Application Security.

Jscrambler’s CTO, Pedro Fortuna, and VP of Sales, Michael Grant, received the prestigious awards on behalf of the whole team.


The leader in client-side Web security. With Jscrambler, JavaScript applications become self-defensive and capable of detecting and blocking client-side attacks like Magecart.

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